Wednesday, March 18, 2009

20 weeks

well, I'm half way there...or over half way. Abigail came a bit early, so I could be already half-way done :) It kinda feels nice to be "showing" more. Since it is still cold here, there are days when I still can hide my little bump! but I also have this desire to get things done. fast. I just don't want to be buying diapers and wipes the day I go into labor like last time :) So I've made a little deadline for ourselves that we will get the room ready and the major things bought before the 3rd trimester...which gives us about 8 weeks! Yikes..better get started...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Medical update

Just a quick update. First, thank-you to all of you have been praying for me. My spirits have lifted quite a bit since I last wrote. Also, God graciously gave me a great Dr. appt. on Tuesday. It was not my regular OB, but I did ask her about the baby/placenta thing. She was very hopeful that as time went on and I got bigger that the baby should move up on its own. I should also have another ultrasound done next month since they didn't get to finish it, and then we will see if the physical restrictions will be lifted.

Also, my heart murmur has already disappeared!

I was reminded this week by our care group leader that "God shall supply all of your need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19). When I take my eyes off the cross and dwell on my circumstances it is so easy to get anxious and despair. But when I keep Christ central, than I am reminded that if he has already paid for my sin in full, he will provide for all these temporal needs.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My God is so Big

Another song brought to you by Abigail. I wish that I could have this simple child-like faith. But I so easily get boughed down by my circumstances. This is the 6th week that Mike has been out of a job. I'm now 19 weeks pregnant and although the naseau finally subsided (2 weeks ago) there are a couple more things popping up. I have a slight heart murmur and my mid-pregnancy ultrasound showed the baby and placenta really low. So I have some pain/discomfort and some physical restrictions. So as my faith starts to get shaken, I know that I can't trust in my own feelings. I find comfort in the Word:

"Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling... Be Still, and know that I am God" Psalm 46:2,3,10