Well, speaking of speeding through life. I've been waiting for a LOOOOOOng time to move out of our technically 1 bedroom place. I think just after Abigail was born, we realized this place was too small. God has been good to us (mostly in helping with my bad attitudes) and we have managed to fit for over 3 years, but now the time has come. WE ARE MOVING !!!!
And it is all happening so fast. We saw the place on Sunday after church (which this place is only 2 miles away from) and already we put in our application, sent our check and they called today to approve us. Praise the Lord. So the next few weeks will be busy with packing and more packing. I doubt I will write much, if not at all.
Some quick highlights: It is a townhome, no one below or above us, a whole garage, a laundry room with more storage, an extra bathroom, doubling our closets, a dishwasher, a kitchen twice the size we have now, and a living room three times the size, and Mike's commute time will be cut in half. Of course, knowing my nature, I will find something wrong with this place once we've moved in. I hope by God's grace, I will remember His Faithfulness in helping us find this place, and will help me to be content no matter what.
So, until next time....
How To Easily Get Baby to Sleep in the Crib
2 days ago
Congratulations! I'm excited for you guys. It is hard to be squashed in a small apartment. This townhouse sounds really nice!
Excited for you guys! Ah, the joys of packing... Seems I'll be doing that again before we know it. I'll be praying for ya while you are doing yours.
Hooray for you!!!! I'll check back regularly for updates. :-)
a dishwasher?!?!?! I'm jealous. I'm totally coming over there with my dishes.
(hehe, j/k)
Wonderful! The Lord is good, isn't He? We have been studying in our BSF Bible study the life of Moses. We just finished reading how God took the Israelites through the Red Sea and protected them for the plagues and Passover. Then, three short (probably very long days) later, they grumbled. In Exodus. Moses tells the people after their third time grumbling that they are grumbling against God. (Exodus 16:8) Not being satisfied with what God is doing is a sin. 10th commandment. That truly made me say, "Ouch!" I need to stop grumbling. Sin against God? Not me, I don't want to do that! (probably will again, but like you, I am going to try to sin less, with the help of God.)
David Collier
Wahoo! May God bless you with His endurance, strength and wisdom every step of the way. Please forward your new address ASAP because I have a little package to send to you.
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