Well, its been 7 weeks now that I've felt "morning sickness" (who really came up with that name? I think it must have been a man, because this sickness in no way is confined to the realms of the morning) and I think I'm ready to vent. It has been horrible. Really. It is just so much worse this time around. The last few weeks I wanted someone to knock me unconscious and keep me there until the first trimester is over. I didn't know how I was going to make it through.
But then, there are always those little graces. Just little (and some big) things that help pull me out of despair and the grime of the bathroom. Here are just a few:
1. MEDICINE- I am SO grateful for whoever invented medicine to help with nausea. It has made a night/day difference
2. a HUSBAND who can scrub toilets, take out trash, dust, vacuum, and do dishes
3. a 3 year old who can play quietly on the floor while mommy passes out for a few minutes on the couch. who gets me special "candies" to help my tummy. who throws trash away. who just learned how to fold clothes and put them away. who is potty-trained.
4. for friends who let me cry when I think I can't go on and who remind me that we have an exceptional God.
Well, I do feel better now. With my new medicine and only a couple weeks left, I think I will survive. Thanks for listening!
How To Easily Get Baby to Sleep in the Crib
2 days ago
So sorry you're feeling so awful! I have been there. Thank goodness for that anti-nausea medication! I hope it passes before too long and you'll be feeling more normal soon!
yay congrats on the new little one! How long until you find out if it's a boy or girl? Do you have any names picked out yet?? So excited for your family!
Yay for seeing all these graces!!! That's definitely what I'm going to do now: no more 'HOw are you,' but all -'where do you see His grace today??'
Praying that the season is OVER for you! Like, now!
Love ya.
I'm totally with you! Though most of my ailments weren't physical, the mental ones rot too. I'm grateful for a husband with the love and wisdom to know I'm out of my mind and need to see a doctor & get on glorious meds to help me be sane. We've all got something, huh? Next time I vote the men get to have the babies! :-)
Love you!!! You can do it!
You must be having a boy since you feel so different this time. I, too, thank the Lord that He is an awesome God, compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love, etc.
ellen: we're not going to find out this time around... a surprise!!
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