Time sure does seem to be flying by. Tomorrow Grace will be a month old! And my husband leaves for a 6 day business trip. Have Mercy!!! Grace has definitely found her lungs and has a couple screaming spells/day. Some good friends gave great advice...this IS the place God has called me to right now and when I get desparate enough that is when I will see his grace....and to memorize a portion of Scripture so that when these crying spells come I can still be at peace.
Any more suggestions to help me keep my sanity this week???
How To Easily Get Baby to Sleep in the Crib
2 days ago
God's grace and chocolate come hand in hand :-)
Tina, Hosanna had crying spells for a while too. The advice we used was "This too shall pass". Hosanna is now a beautiful, intelligent, and quiet child of 11. In fact, we usually don't remember the crying. Sing songs, remember the Scripture and at times, for a few minutes, set her down and let her cry so you can take a tiny break. We tried recording her voice so she could hear another baby cry, driving, setting her on the dryer, rocking and singing. Sometimes those things worked and sometimes they didn't. Did you pray for patience? This could be the test. :) We will pray for you. May you remember God's grace as you hold your Grace. david
Having been through two extremely colicky babies my best advice is: 1) no baby ever died from crying and sometimes you need to walk away and let them take a few minutes in their crib while you catch your breath and 2) crying seems less intense and frustrating outside - try a sling or baby carrier and take walks outside and 3) repeat after me: IT WILL GET BETTER! IT WILL GET BETTER!
I promise it does. Also, finding someone to give you a break so you can nap or spend some time alone is a lifesaver!
I was really overwhelmed when Francine was first born, mostly with "everything else". I found great comfort in just rocking her & would get irritated when I was beckoned to some other duty. This little poem went through my mind constantly when she was newborn.
quiet down cobwebs and dust go to sleep, I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.
Thats all I can remember of that poem.
Also, I'm sure you have neighboors and friends that have offered to help out. Don't be afraid to take them up on that! God puts good people in our lives for a reason.
Would you like me to come visit?! I'll hold her while you take a long hot bath. Or you could just send her to me. I really really really want another baby girl and Bruce has forbidden me.
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